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Zucchini aka Courgette Fritters

My first post! Has to start with an 'f' for 'first' so 'Fritters' it is :)

I have searched for a long time for the perfect, easiest, works-every-time fritter, and here it is. As with all recipes, I suspect, I researched a few, tried them out, and merged them and tweaked them until I found one that worked for me. And so, now I've done the research, I'm sharing with you!

Where possible, I'm also not into weighing or 'cupping' (?!) stuff, so only mention it where necessary.

Note this recipe works for whatever you want to 'fritter'. Corn works well, mixed veg works well. Just make sure the vegetable (or meat) item you're using is soft enough to be cooked within the mere minutes it takes to cook, or you precook to soften so you're not eating rock-hard fritters (unless you want to of course: whatever works for you).


1 regular zucchini / courgette (if you do like to weigh, you need around 300g-450/ 1 lb)

2 whole eggs

1/4 cup (4 tbsps) AP (plain) flour

1 scant tsp salt

herbs to taste - optional

cheese - grated or crumbled - optional

frying oil - I usually opt for olive oil

Recipe / Method:

  1. Grate zucchini/courgette into a big enough bowl for mixing

  2. Sprinkle grated vegetable with salt and mix in thoroughly - use spoon or hands

  3. In a sieve or colander, place a couple pieces of kitchen towel or cotton/muslin cloth.

  4. Pour your grated vegetable into the lined sieve or colander and push down, with your hand or back of a spoon. Place this in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to drain the vegetable of excess liquid. The longer you leave, the less liquid there will be in your vegetable thus making it al dente.

  5. For the batter, you can make this in advance or just before making. As with all batters though, I think it's best to leave it a while before using, so I make after the grated veg is in the fridge. Mix with a fork or whisk the 2 eggs until light and frothy. Then, stir in the flour. Stir until thoroughly combined.

  6. When you have left your batter and veg for the time you wish, now is the time to fritter up! Remove the grated veg from the fridge and squeeze all the liquid in to your bowl. (You'll be surprised how much liquid comes out!)

  7. Put the grated and squeezed veg into your batter and stir to combine.

  8. Now, add your chosen oil to a warmed skillet or frying pan.

  9. In ladle-fulls, place a puddle of fritter mix in each corner of your pan. A 12" pan can happily take 4 ladle-full sized fritters. OPTION: at this point, if you're adding your fresh herbs or cheese, add it in.

  10. Fry on each side over a medium heat. Turn ONLY when the fritter's surface facing you is completely cooked - you'll know this when the dough face is no longer wet looking, and there are many, many bubbles.

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